Community groups : Spread the word before the census

There are lots of ways you can promote the census if you’re involved in your community.

You could:

  • start talking about the census with your friends and family
  • tell people in your community about the census, its benefits and importance to them
  • raise awareness of the census in community organisations and any places people go to for advice
  • promote the census in things like community newsletters, meetings and social media groups
  • arrange for information to be added to a community website
  • offer the use of community spaces for census events
  • run a presentation to members of your community

If you need help to promote the census, visit our Downloadable resources page. Here, we’ll provide resources that you can use in your community. There’ll be a range of materials from leaflets and posters to content for newsletters and social media posts.

Keep checking the page regularly, as we’ll add more as the census gets closer.