Help with the Individual Questionnaire

Help with the Individual Questionnaire

The Individual Questionnaire is a form that asks questions about one person only.

If you live in a private household, please make sure your name and relationship to other members of the household are recorded on the Household Questionnaire.

A1. What type of accommodation is this?

A communal establishment

Choose “A communal establishment” if you’re living in:

  • any managed or supervised accommodation, or
  • shared accommodation provided just for staff, even if it includes self-contained flats

Examples of communal establishments include student halls of residence, boarding schools, armed forces bases, hospitals, care homes and prisons.

A private or family household

A household is either:

  • one person living alone, or
  • a group of people (who don’t have to be related) living at the same address who share cooking facilities and share a living room or sitting room or dining area

Choose “A private or family household” if you’re living in an independent household, that’s in a totally separate building, in the grounds of a communal establishment.

A2. What is your position in this establishment?

Choose one option from the list provided.

If you’re helping someone to fill in this form, please make sure you answer this question about them and not about yourself.


Students in a hall of residence should tick “Resident”.

You should also be included on the Household Questionnaire at your home address.

Military personnel based in the UK

If your usual UK address is the military establishment where you work, and you have no other UK address choose “Resident”.

For help with the rest of the questions, you can choose either: