A range of accessible formats and other support is available to help you find out about the census and complete it.
Accessible formats
Information about the census is available in the following accessible formats:
- videos with British Sign Language (BSL), audio and subtitles
- videos with audio in Welsh
- Braille
- easy read
- large print
We use simple language and clear link text to help you navigate the census website. You can navigate the website using speech recognition software and listen using a screen reader.
The accessibility statement provides more detail on how compatible this website is with assistive technology.
If you need help
To get help with your census you can also:
- ask someone else to fill it in for you, or help you if you can’t do it yourself
- find a census support centre, where you can get help to complete your census online
- access web chat, call us on the phone or use the text relay system from our contact us page
- read translations of information about the census in different languages
There is also guidance on how you can help someone else to complete their census.