About the census : Who should fill in a census

Everyone in England and Wales must complete a census or be included on a census for the place where they're living or staying.

You must complete the census by law

Every householder at an address is responsible for completing a census questionnaire for their household.

What we mean by “householder” and “household”

A householder is a person who usually lives at this address and, on their own or with someone else, owns or rents the accommodation, and/or pays the household bills and expenses.

A household is one person living alone or a group of people, not necessarily related, living at the same address, who share cooking facilities and share a living room or sitting room or dining area.

You need to complete a census if you:

Staying in the UK for less than three months

You are not responsible for filling in the census if you are staying in the UK for less than three months. The owner of your accommodation will need to fill in the census about the household and the people staying there.