Getting started : Completing your census on paper
Follow the instructions on the paper form to help you fill it in. There are instructions on page two of the form and in the leaflet that came with it.
If you’re helping someone else to fill in their paper form, see tips for filling in on paper.
I’ve received more than one form. Which do I use?
- If you’ve received a form in English and another in Welsh, fill in one in the language you prefer to use
- If the addresses are the same, it’s up to you which one you use - otherwise use the form with the most accurate address
- You can then recycle any spare forms, but remember to remove the front page with your details on first
The address on my form is wrong
Please write your correct address in the space provided on the front of the form. There are instructions on how to do this. Then answer the questions, and return the completed form to us in the prepaid envelope provided.
Tips for filling in a paper form
- Write your answers in blue or black ink
- Include everyone living or staying at your household on the night of Sunday 21 March 2021
- Use capital letters, or tick the boxes as instructed
- You can shorten words, for example “Rd” for “Road” or “St” for “Street”; give as much detail as you can
- Only use one character for each box, like this:
Tips for returning after filling in a paper form
- Check you’ve signed and dated the declaration on the front page of the paper form
- Do not send us anything else – only your paper form
- Use the prepaid envelope you received with the paper form
- If you’ve lost your envelope, return your paper form in an A4-sized envelope to FREEPOST, Census 2021
- Only send back one paper form per envelope
- Make sure the return address can be seen through the envelope window
- Post your paper form back to us as soon as you can, or ask someone you trust to do this for you